Friday, September 23, 2011

SHARE Cares Day 2011!

Look at all those smiling faces!

This year at orientation, we had over 80 students participate in our annual SHARE Cares Day. SHARE Cares Day is the first community-service event of the year, and a great way for first-years to get to know each other and find out what SHARE is all about!

One group of students spent the day at Broadway House, New Jersey's only special care facility for people living with AIDS.

First we got to work revamping the facilities.

Then the group got ready for an afternoon of card games and decorated for Casino Night.

Residents of Broadway House and NJMS students alike had a fun and interactive afternoon gambling, snacking on appetizers and getting to know each other.

Another group volunteered at the University Hospital Pediatrics unit and read to children of all ages.

What a great start to the school year! A big thank-you to everyone who participated.
For more information about SHARE, please email

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